animal background education theme stylized hippo icon

Animal background education theme stylized hippo icon vectors stock

File size: 2.30MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: vector animal illustration background design graphic icon cartoon symbol drawing cute emblem art education study learn book stylized character hippo hippopotamus adorable stylization teach teaching sweet lovely

# Zip file contains: Size
1 animal 308.24KB
2 animal 16.eps 2.15MB
3 animal 16.jpg 2.05MB
Total size: 4.51MB
background education animal icon theme stylized hippo education theme design boy reading book illustration cartoon animal background repeat dental design elements cute stylized tooth icons animated backgrounds cartoon animal backgrounds animal backgrounds animation background dental promotion banner cute stylized teeth icons anime background whale background ocean animals icons colorful cartoon animals icons cute stylized cartoon sketch handdrawn healthcare background doctor icon medical symbols friends background happy people icons colorful design classroom background teacher pupil blackboard icons background teacher chalkboard icons dinner dating background icon cartoon education background illustration with bachelors party background joyful people icon cartoon design educational background letter education cute animals corporate background people icons business design animal icon africa free forest background leafless trees icons cartoon design education background animal faces icon flat higher education icons family background joyful kids icons silhouette elephant animal icon cute cartoon character sketch flowers background red rose icons repeating design eco icon on leather background animal icon set toys background cute colored icons cartoon design baby girl background kid toys icons cartoon design education background illustration with bachelors free animal icon season background templates tree weather icons decor animal icons autumn design elements cute stylized cartoon animals sketch