compact icon sets black white sketch flat design

Compact icon sets black white sketch flat design vectors stock

File size: 10.76MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: icon symbol vector illustration design graphic flat needle black sketch white art element outline draft black and white classical classic round circle arrow direction navigation emblem symbol retro vintage template

# Zip file contains: Size
1 compass 4.74MB
2 compass 02.eps 12.04MB
3 compass 02.jpg 3.10MB
Total size: 19.88MB
design flat black black white sketch white icon flat design icon sets sets sets compact icon set black wings icons collection flat black white design tattoo design elements black white classical sketch design elements black white circles sketch music instruments black and white icon set cartoon icons cute handdrawn sketch black white outline animals icons set with flat design style animals icons cute cartoon design black white handdrawn animals icons cute handdrawn sketch black white outline tattoo design elements black white classical rose drawing funny cartoon sketch black white tattoo template black white retro sketch human icons outline colored flat design wildlife drawing cute cartoon sketch black white handdrawn dinosaur drawing funny cartoon sketch black white black white icons people human icons colored flat design fairy handdrawn sketch black white outline tattoo design elements black white furniture icons flat design children design black white tattoo black white handdrawn sketch tiger icon aggressive sketch handdrawn design cartoon design black white idea concept background brain lightbulb icon flat design black white icons drawing sketch black white character design black white white icon set vectors funny design black white sketch black white design elements black white classical rose bus icon luggage sketch classical design pineapple background yellow icons repeating flat design drawing cartoon sketch black white leaf background colorful flat design handdrawn sketch black and white sketches elephant icons multicolored flat design