compass background closeup handdrawn sketch

Compass background closeup handdrawn sketch vectors stock

File size: 4.72MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: compass symbol vector illustration design background icon map navigation object graphic element sketch black and white black white drawing handdrawn closeup art shape texture round circle artistic sketched draft needle navigate

# Zip file contains: Size
1 compass 1.06MB
2 compass 02.eps 3.72MB
3 compass 02.jpg 2.66MB
Total size: 7.45MB
background handdrawn compass sketch closeup handdrawn sketch fruit background orange flat handdrawn sketch slices icon leaf background colorful flat design handdrawn sketch natural mountain range icons retro handdrawn sketch fairy handdrawn sketch black white outline flowers drawing classical handdrawn sketch tattoo black white handdrawn sketch tattoo handdrawn sketch stylized cartoon character handdrawn sketch cartoon icons cute handdrawn sketch black white outline childhood drawing cute girl design handdrawn sketch houseplants icons flat classical handdrawn sketch compass background map plants icons flat classical handdrawn sketch animals icons cute handdrawn sketch black white outline animals icons cute handdrawn sketch animals cute handdrawn sketch drawing cute handdrawn sketch spring background colorful flowers leaves sketch wildlife drawing cute cartoon sketch black white handdrawn geometric background template bright colored flat shapes sketch flower card background elegant classic handdrawn design free vector fashion banner young lady sketch handdrawn cartoon tiger icon aggressive sketch handdrawn design icon playing sketch handdrawn cartoon sketch handdrawn cartoon compass sketch animals icons cute stylized cartoon sketch handdrawn handdrawn icons sketch background templates colored retro closeup design abstract blue background vector graphic menu card background gold design vector golden frame background easter background vector free download gold design vector golden frame background illustration white christmas background green light abstract background menu background