factory sign icon dark classic flat dynamic sketch

Factory sign icon dark classic flat dynamic sketch vectors stock

File size: 162 bytes Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: environment environmental exhaust architectural industry polluted pollution

# Zip file contains: Size
1 factory2.ai 433.92KB
2 factory2.eps 2.99MB
3 factory2.jpg 658.04KB
4 factory2.png 61.58KB
5 factory2.svg 87.40KB
Total size: 4.20MB
classic sign flat sketch dark icon factory dynamic fruit icons isolation various flat symbols sketch man avatar icon classical cartoon character sketch free flowers pattern dark colorful classic flat design vegetables icons collection flat colored sketch leaves painting colorful classic flat sketch fruit background orange flat handdrawn sketch slices icon human icons outline colored flat design geometric background template bright colored flat shapes sketch free wedding invitation card templates dark classical decor flowers icons colored classical decor traffic sign icons classical cartoon character sketch vectors package template dark classic handdrawn decor free tribal mask icon colored classical design horror free restaurant menu template elegant dark classic decor transportation icons design in flat colors styles animals icons set with flat design style invitation card templates dark classic design flora decor turtle icon dark decorative pattern templates colorful classical flat book icon colored classic design flowers painting dark classical handdrawn design houseplants icons flat classical handdrawn sketch plants icons flat classical handdrawn sketch decorative plants icons tree pots sketch colorful classic bus icon luggage sketch classical design animal icons colorful flat sketch fruits icon bright colored classic sketch abstract background templates dark colored dynamic decor tattoo design elements black white classical sketch natural mountain range icons retro handdrawn sketch boys icons cute cartoon characters sketch coffee label template classical circle design cup icon free rooster logo templates flat sketch human icons colored flat design girls icons cute cartoon characters sketch avatar icon cartoon character sketch classic dark border