lifestyle icon working staff flat cartoon sketch

Lifestyle icon working staff flat cartoon sketch vectors stock

File size: 4.15MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: lifestyle vector icon illustration painting graphic occupation job office cartoon people working desk work desk design staff human outline sketch symbol person computer man work space drawn painting work working flat character cartoon employee

# Zip file contains: Size
1 work 1.37MB
2 work 04.eps 4.09MB
3 work 04.jpg 1.59MB
Total size: 7.05MB
flat sketch icon lifestyle working cartoon staff cartoon sketch fruit icons isolation various flat symbols sketch tyrannousaurus dinosaur icon colored cartoon sketch vegetables icons collection flat colored sketch marine creatures icons cute colored cartoon sketch healthcare characters icons cartoon sketch fruit background orange flat handdrawn sketch slices icon animals icons cute stylized cartoon sketch handdrawn female characters icons cartoon sketch drawing funny cartoon sketch black white human icons outline colored flat design wildlife drawing cute cartoon sketch black white handdrawn dinosaur drawing funny cartoon sketch black white worker icons working people icons working geometric background template bright colored flat shapes sketch bird icon colorful design funny cartoon character camping icons people activities colored cartoon people portrait avatars colored cartoon sketch free vector transportation icons design in flat colors styles animals icons set with flat design style lifestyle icons lady fashion fish school drawing colored cartoon sketch drawing cartoon sketch black white online shopping banners colored cartoon sketch farming work background colored cartoon design team work banner flat work cartoon vector icons boys icons cute cartoon characters sketch avatar icon cartoon character sketch girls icons cute cartoon characters sketch man avatar icon classical cartoon character sketch men avatar icons sketch cartoon characters alien monster icon funny cartoon character sketch elephant animal icon cute cartoon character sketch people icons activities sketch colored cartoon characters baby boy girl icons cute cartoon characters sketch free fashion models icons modern sketch cartoon characters