manager job concept background office utensils icons

Manager job concept background office utensils icons vectors stock

File size: 3.29MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: job vector concept background symbol manager design illustration work icon office utensil object tool desk modern graphic element utensils device computer checklist computer mouse usb keyboard tools notebook money name card

# Zip file contains: Size
1 manager 554.55KB
2 manager 06.eps 2.33MB
3 manager 06.jpg 2.54MB
Total size: 5.41MB
background office job manager icons concept utensils idea concept background brain lightbulb icon flat design friends background happy people icons colorful design background teacher chalkboard icons whale background ocean animals icons colorful cartoon party background joyful people icon cartoon design office cartoon icons colored office man icon cartoon free forest background leafless trees icons cartoon design family background joyful kids icons silhouette flowers background red rose icons repeating design toys background cute colored icons cartoon design baby girl background kid toys icons cartoon design business idea concept background office man icon summer background playful children icons cartoon lemon background colorful flat icons decorations nature landscape background moonlight tree icons farming work background farmer cattle icons cartoon fruits background orange slices icons colored repeating team work background working women icons dinosaur background cute cartoon icons multicolored forest background leafless trees icons cartoon design concept background squares job interview background interviewer cartoon characters job candidates selection concept colored human icons design office job icons healthcare background doctor icon medical symbols classroom background teacher pupil blackboard icons dinner dating background icon cartoon office building architecture icon colored modern 3d corporate background people icons business design global social network concept media icons infographic eco icon on leather background season background templates tree weather icons decor concept icon business and management icons officer icons collection various gestures isolation childhood background cute kid toys icons decoration