marketing strategy background king chess pieces icons sketch

Marketing strategy background king chess pieces icons sketch vectors stock

File size: 1.08MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: marketing strategy business vector concept illustration icon graphic design symbol management piece art emblem element character chess horse game competition challenge pieces chessmen competitive chesspieces man cartoon

# Zip file contains: Size
1 strategy 309.70KB
2 strategy 04.eps 1.05MB
3 strategy 04.jpg 658.54KB
Total size: 1.99MB
background king marketing chess icons pieces pieces strategy marketing strategy chess pieces classroom background teacher pupil blackboard icons season background templates tree weather icons decor childhood background cute kid toys icons decoration decorative background flowers wreath birds icons decor cake background colorful round cakes icons family background colorful silhouette human icons gemstone background shiny sparkling diamond icon fairy background winged girls flowers icons cartoon healthcare background doctor icon medical symbols friends background happy people icons colorful design background teacher chalkboard icons whale background ocean animals icons colorful cartoon dinner dating background icon cartoon party background joyful people icon cartoon design corporate background people icons business design free forest background leafless trees icons cartoon design family background joyful kids icons silhouette flowers background red rose icons repeating design eco icon on leather background toys background cute colored icons cartoon design baby girl background kid toys icons cartoon design digital marketing icon idea concept background brain lightbulb icon flat design childhood background boy icons cartoon design background icon cartoon marketing and media icons summer background playful children icons cartoon nature landscape background moonlight tree icons lemon background colorful flat icons decorations fruits background orange slices icons colored repeating farming work background farmer cattle icons cartoon team work background working women icons dinosaur background cute cartoon icons multicolored cake background colorful icons chess king bird nest background eggs icons colored cartoon decor