office work backgrounds handdrawn cartoon sketch

Office work backgrounds handdrawn cartoon sketch vectors stock

File size: 2.93MB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: office background business work workplace working design painting symbol drawing graphic elements people job illustration graphic design colleagues occupation profession vector flat sketchy sketch outline draft handdrawn drawn hand drawn character cartoon

# Zip file contains: Size
1 work and study 453.72KB
2 work and study 01.eps 4.41MB
3 work and study 01.jpg 2.02MB
Total size: 6.87MB
handdrawn backgrounds backgrounds office sketch work office work cartoon cartoon sketch farming work background colored cartoon design office working woman cartoon design team work background cartoon wildlife drawing cute cartoon sketch black white handdrawn fashion banner young lady sketch handdrawn cartoon icon playing sketch handdrawn cartoon sketch handdrawn cartoon farming work background farmer cattle icons cartoon animals icons cute stylized cartoon sketch handdrawn office working cartoon design elementary school background colorful cartoon design dinner dating background icon cartoon drawing funny cartoon sketch black white dinosaur drawing funny cartoon sketch black white little flowers background colored cartoon farming background colorful cartoon design motherhood background cute cartoon style wild birds background colored cartoon design tyrannousaurus dinosaur icon colored cartoon sketch paint work background fruit background colored cartoon design marine creatures icons cute colored cartoon sketch dinosaur background color cartoon people portrait avatars colored cartoon sketch free vector background icon cartoon farming work icons colored cartoon garden work background dinosaur background cute cartoon icons multicolored team work background working women icons healthcare characters icons cartoon sketch fish school drawing colored cartoon sketch handdrawn icons sketch job interview background interviewer cartoon characters drawing cartoon sketch black white playful kids background colored cartoon design office working online shopping banners colored cartoon sketch