people shopping icons collection in color style

People shopping icons collection in color style vectors stock

File size: 902.46KB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: vector icon people shopping set illustration element cart object concept person isolated graphic flat human parents father couple mother child walking color style types activities alone design man woman eps isolation symbol emblem procure kid joyful carrying

# Zip file contains: Size
1 people shopping 221.53KB
2 people shopping 3.eps 1,003.49KB
3 people shopping 3.jpg 574.64KB
Total size: 1.76MB
collection style people color shopping people shopping icons shopping icons people shopping icons vegetables icons collection flat colored sketch lotus icons collection various colored sketch people collection in flat color style people icons design various activities styles in colors transportation icons design in flat colors styles human icons collection various types in color woman fashion icons collection colored cartoon design free chicken icons collection colorful cartoon characters frames design flower collection various shapes in colors people icons activities sketch colored cartoon characters people icons collection various gestures working people icons collection various gestures isolation art icons collection various types flat colored design butterflies icons collection colorful modern design floral icons collection various sketches colorful tree icons collection colored classical design flame icons collection agriculture farming colored style people bank icons brochure design with abstract colored style yellow soccer player icons collection various postures design dog icon collection woman shopping icons wings icons collection flat black white design logo icons collection boy emotional faces icons collection round isolation music icons collections shopping icon officer icons collection various gestures isolation people careers icons people shopping woman kids design furniture icons collection dog icon collection various logo sets vector illustration with abstract colored style pig icons collection logo icons collection with 3d design baby icon collection