retro golden decorative icons

Retro golden decorative icons vectors stock

File size: 678.12KB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: ribbon shield shiny golden icon gold retro vector symbol decoration background design vintage element decorative graphic ornate medal royal decor collection antique luxury heraldic heraldry metal classic sun sparkle twinkling glossy

# Zip file contains: Size
1 badge 371.63KB
2 badge 07.eps 1.68MB
3 badge 07.jpg 118.79KB
Total size: 2.16MB
decorative golden icons retro sparkling 3d decorative icons on document decorative templates retro corner decor juice bottle label templates retro handdrawn decor decorative icons design farm animals decorative icons golden decor classical symmetric natural mountain range icons retro handdrawn sketch business card template luxury black golden royal decor christmas star icons decoration restaurant menu template cook food icons decor round golden icons vector decorative ornamental background with golden elements flower icon retro design retro telephone icon free shiny golden round quality certification icons decorative border frame templates elegant retro symmetric shapes vegetable icons decor border templates collection retro elegant symmetric decor quality certification icon with golden flowers icons colored classical decor baby icons vector decoration season background templates tree weather icons decor elegant golden black decor childhood background cute kid toys icons decoration ice cream icons modern colorful fruity chocolate decor free wedding invitation banner groom bride icon classical decor milk cow food icons decoration decorative background flowers wreath birds icons decor microphone design elements instruments icons colored retro decorative pattern templates collection elegant retro decorative pattern template retro oriental symmetric border decorative template colorful floral icons decorative plants icons tree pots sketch colorful classic logo sets colorful flat icons decor lemon background colorful flat icons decorations fish colorful flat icons decor decorative plant pots icons fresh green leaves sketch mask icon horror face decor colorful classical free