team work background cheering staffs sketch colorful flat

Team work background cheering staffs sketch colorful flat vectors stock

File size: 702.05KB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: team business work vector concept illustration design people group teamwork symbol person human background flat together graphic workforce employment employee colorful cartoon flat multicolored sketch outline

# Zip file contains: Size
1 teamwork 136.16KB
2 teamwork 07.eps 935.71KB
3 teamwork 07.jpg 486.92KB
Total size: 1.52MB
background flat team sketch work cheering colorful team work staffs team work background cartoon team work background working women icons geometric background template bright colored flat shapes sketch leaf background colorful flat design handdrawn sketch wild birds background colorful flat decoration abstract background templates colorful flat geometric lemon background colorful flat icons decorations animal icons colorful flat sketch team work banner flat farming work background colored cartoon design friends background happy people icons colorful design whale background ocean animals icons colorful cartoon human icons outline colored flat design abstract pattern templates colorful flat geometric design human icons colored flat design people icons activities sketch colored cartoon characters paint work background trees design with colorful flat illustration color flat mail logo sets colorful flat icons decor wild life sketch colorful classic decorative plants icons tree pots sketch colorful classic fruits design elements colorful flat slices handdrawn farming work background farmer cattle icons cartoon fish colorful flat icons decor colored flat fruits background orange slices icons colored repeating garden work background corporate flyer templates colorful flat geometric free download template bright colorful flat decor menu template bright colorful flat decor decorative pattern delusive geometric decor colored flat floral icons collection various sketches colorful pattern templates classical colored flat decor geometric abstract pattern colorful flat circles dress design collection various colored flat isolation sales labels collection colorful flat shapes classical