team work concept design human icons silhouette style

Team work concept design human icons silhouette style vectors stock

File size: 501.61KB Author: BSGStudio
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Tags: business vector team design concept illustration icon work teamwork symbol success people group together graphic collaboration person silhouette human style black element art artwork emblem hand in hand sketch outline draft

# Zip file contains: Size
1 job 157.84KB
2 job 04.eps 714.35KB
3 job 04.jpg 282.88KB
Total size: 1.13MB
design silhouette team work style human concept design human icons team work icons concept job candidates selection concept colored human icons design employment candidate selection concept colored human icons shopping activities design element human icons style human icons outline colored flat design human icons colored flat design icons silhouette design player icons silhouette explosive design transportation icons design in flat colors styles team work background working women icons human icon cute cartoon design family background colorful silhouette human icons free icons illustration with silhouettes style book cover design template with modern style background free brochure design template with modern style background free flyer vector design with abstract modern style abstract letters logo design elements with modern style business flyer design with modern abstract style team work background cartoon silhouettes style black concept design businessman coffee label template classical circle design cup icon free logo sets design with shapes alphabet style brochure design with modern vignette style brochure design with abstract colored style yellow corporation brochure design with colored artistic style infographic design template shiny square style brochure template design with green elegant style wine background silhouette style bottle glass grapes logo design element with abstract style illustration banner design template with modern style background free family background joyful kids icons silhouette human hands silhouette human icons circle infographic free business flyer design with modern abstract style player icons silhouette free brochure design template with modern style background flyer template design with abstract modern style free silhouettes style